Looking for: Mixing vocals in logic pro x pdf free.Mixing Background Vocals #2 Click here to DOWNLOAD - Mixing vocals in logic pro x pdf free Backing Tracks. Music Mix. Ian Shanahan - Full CV You Sound. Music Chords. Audio Track. Compression is quite literally all over mixes, жмите becoming the sound we associate with loud, modern pop mixing. - Logic Pro X Tutorial: Get Mixing in a Powerful DAW - Produce Like A Pro Microphone Basics is supported by readers. When you buy with our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more. If you want your tracks to keep up on the sonic stage, you need to learn how to mix in Logic Pro X. Same goes for producing electronic music in Logic, or any other software for that matter. Sure, the instruments sound pretty great out of the box, but once you layer in several synths, a couple of drum kits, a sweet bass line and some vocal chops, you start to realise something. In minutes, you can use Autotune...